Do You Need a Health Reset (Detox)?
Detoxification is a natural metabolic process your body undertakes every day to help eliminate the environmental, dietary and internally created toxins we are all exposed to. This process changes toxins into less harmful substances, which are subsequently excreted from the body.
If you feel tired, inflamed, suffer allergies, reproductive issues, or experience difficulty losing weight – these are all signs that your body may be struggling under an increased toxic load, or reduced cellular capacity to resist the damaging effect of toxins.
What Factors Contribute to Needing a Detox?
Factors that may contribute to your need for a Detoxification Program include the following:
- Pharmaceutical medications (however do not stop these without consulting your doctor)
- Poor dietary choices (e.g., high sugar foods, junk food)
- Lifestyle choices (alcohol, smoking, recreational drugs)
- Foods that can slow our bowels/gut transit time (low fibre, highly processed diets)
- Having a dysbiosis can lead to gut microbiome irritation and damage to our gut lining
- Gut irritation and damage can also occur from biological toxins like lectins and other chemicals present in foods
- Exposure to xenobiotics (insecticides, herbicides, drugs, solvents and metals)
- Biological inhalants like mould, pollen and algae
- Physical phenomena (ionising radiation, electromagnetic fields)
- Mechanical problems (spinal alignment, nasal or intestinal obstruction)
- Psychosocial factors (stress from lifestyle, poor coping skills, and trauma)
Toxins, from many sources, can interfere with the normal processes of the body through interference with enzymes, blockages of cellular transport mechanisms, oxidative damage, and blockage of receptor sites, they can mimic hormones or neurotransmitters and cause reduction of nutrient absorption.
A major source of toxicity for most people is their digestive system. Foods, if not digested correctly, can become fuel for the growth of dysbiotic organisms. These organisms produce toxic chemicals, and when they die, fragments of their cell membranes can be absorbed into the bloodstream and trigger an inflammatory response.
Also, the diet itself and environmental chemicals (pesticides, chemicals and toxic metals) all require neutralisation and detoxification. Whilst the body has several powerful detoxification and neutralisation mechanisms to protect against toxins, these defence mechanisms may become overloaded or impaired, allowing toxins to interfere with normal physiology affecting any system.
How Do Toxins Cause Damage?
- They increase inflammation in the body
- They induce epigenetic alterations (changes to genes due to the environment)
- They increase oxidative stress, which can damage our DNA, and the way protein and fats are produced in our cells
- They can disrupt our hormones
- They inhibit the detoxification of other substances from our internal and external environment
- They deplete glutathione (our body’s natural fire extinguisher)
- They disrupt our mitochondria (the cells energy producer and powerhouse)
- Intestinal inflammation and increase intestinal permeability
- They make alterations in our gut microbiome and/or alters bile acid that affects metabolism of fats
What Can I Eat to Support Detoxification?
Dietary and lifestyle guidelines may assist during a Detoxification Program:
- Foods to consider reducing to support detoxification include – the reduction of red meat, saturated fats (found in animal foods)
- Preferring organic options of meat, dairy, fruits and vegetables, whenever possible can help reduce the toxic load
- A high fibre diet, full of fruit and vegetables provides a phytonutrient-rich diet that may correct digestive processes and enhance gut microbiome, also assist in repairing gut permeability and improving the clearance of toxins via all channels of elimination.
- Drink 2-3 litres of pure water daily, from a BPA-free plastic, glass or stainless-steel containers
What Lifestyle Ideas Can Aid Detoxification?
Below are a few ideas that you may like to try to support your body to detoxify
- Become aware of sources of environmental exposure to toxins, chemicals and toxic metals to avoid any known exposures
- Avoid personal care products where possible (for example, antiperspirants) that contain toxic metals. Look for lox tox personal products
- Try to avoid cleaning chemicals, try using baking soda or chemical-free cleaning products
- Try regular moderate aerobic exercise, for 30-40 minutes at least four times a week to help assist detoxification by supporting the circulation of blood and lymph throughout the body, thereby enhancing the elimination of waste products.
- Regular strengthening exercise (up to 3 sessions per week) can boost resistance to toxicity and enhance elimination
- Sleep and rest well for rejuvenation of the body. If you need further support for this read more at
- Dry skin brushing supports the skin’s function as a major organ of elimination. Brush the arms, legs and back briskly in an upward motion for 5-10 minutes before showering with a bristle brush or loofah. Allow the skin to become pink and tingle.
- Having saunas can be powerful detoxification tools, encouraging sweating to remove wastes through the skin
- Massage can also stimulate lymphatic and blood circulation to mobilise toxins for elimination
Why not adopt a detox lifestyle during your detoxification program? Detoxing can be a very motivating time to make positive changes in many areas of your life. A ‘health reset’ can be completed at regular intervals, to give you a quick ‘spring clean’ as needed. For a more specific plan please book online at